Arif Ahmed is a Pediatrician & Allergist educated in India, UK and the USA. He studied medicine and graduated and post graduated from the Seth GS medical college in Mumbai . In the United Kingdom, he worked as a Senior Resident in Pediatrics & Neonatology at the NHS hospitals for three years. He was a Senior Resident in Pediatrics at the Sparrow Hospital and Michigan State University of Lansing, MI, U.S.A.
He is now on the faculty at Shadan Medical College as Professor Pediatrics in addition to holding the post of Senior Consultant Pediatrics and Head Paediatrics of DNB program at Muslim Maternity Hospital Hyderabad.
He did a Clinical Attachment in Allergy & immunology at The Royal Manchester Children’s hospital and has passed the European Board for Allergy and Immunology examination conducted by the European Academy of Allergy & Immunology. He has done immense work in allergy and immunology by way of research, publications (national & international), books, papers, lectures, conferences and workshops (at least 150) all over India besides oral and poster presentations in USA and Europe.
He is Senior Consultant and Director at ALLERMY centre for allergy and chest diseases which has the head office in Hyderabad with branches in Hyderabad and Mumbai
In addition doing free camps in the slums of Hyderabad as a Managing and founding trustee of SOWED
Lecture in San Francisco
A study done was done by us and published in the Annals of Allergy and asthma and presented at the American conference in November 2016. The study was an evaluation of the presence of dust mite allergy in children with adenoid swelling. This was done by the skin prick test.
The results are in the published study
Allergy like blood pressure and diabetes can be a permanent fixture in most patients. However, now there is a new modality of treatment called IMMUNOTHERAPY. In this we try to reverse the immunological reaction which has taken place to cause the allergy in the nose or the lungs.
At the onset the allergens are identified with the help of a detailed history followed by a skin prick test or a blood test. Once identified and the absence of any contraindications the therapy is started.
The drug can be given as a subcutaneous injection (SCIT) or sub lingual(below tongue) drops (SLIT).
SCIT is started as weekly or biweekly injection in increasing doses from the smallest dose to prevent any untoward side effects. Once the optimum or the maintenance dose is reached the frequency may become monthly to bi monthly. On completion of the course of three years, 80% of the patient’s will be free of the disease and of the remaining 20% the disease will have only a 20% presence.
The patient’s having a fear of needles and are unduly concerned of any possible remote side effects of SCIT, can go for SLIT.
In the latter drops of the allergens are placed below the tongue and the patient is made to hold it for as long as possible and then swallow. It is a much safer treatment but studies have shown it to be less effective than SCIT. It is the most widely practiced treatment in Europe. Another advantage is that the treatment is domiciliary i.e. at home unlike SCIT wherein doctor visit may be required for the injection.
Skin Prick Test
Skin prick test is a simple easy and cost effective method of finding out to which aeroallergens and food allergens a person may be having an allergy. It is also more reliable and sensitive than the alternative blood tests. It can be done at any age. There is no bleeding, pain or any adverse reaction. The allergist Dr Arif Ahmed always does it at our center. Circles are drawn on the forearm about 20 to 25 after a detailed allergy history. The allergens or the substance to which s person is allergic is placed in this circle. This is than ‘scratched’ or pricked with a lancet. We than wait for 20 minutes. If there are swelling/indurations of more than 3mm size, we consider it positive if all other criteria are being met. The patient should not take any anti allergic like antihistamine on in the last 7 days prior to the test.
Asthma and Allergy Lecture
This lecture covers the entire aspects of allergy and asthma. It is explained through five different Case scenarios.
Viewers can go through this lecture, clear their basic concept and if required interact through social media. Dr Arif Ahmed the speaker has travelled throughout the country from Shillong to junagadh and Kashmir to Kerala and delivered a total of 150 lectures on the above allergy and asthma lecture.